World Suicide Prevention Day speakers

10 Most Inspirational World Suicide Prevention Day Keynote Speakers

Described as the “tragic consequence of a person experiencing severe psychological distress and feelings of hopelessness”, studies show that over 700,000 people die by suicide annually.

While the causes of such feelings of despair may differ from person to person, they often range from financial difficulties, harassment and bullying to the loss of a loved one. Additionally, the stigma that surrounds mental health concerns, makes it harder for people experiencing mental health problems to seek help. This often contributes to their sense of hopelessness, which increases the risk of suicidal thoughts.
Source: Mental Health Foundation & National Institute of Mental Health

Such alarming statistics depict a need for us, as a society, to pay attention to the mental health of the people around us.

When is World Suicide Prevention Day?

10th September is observed as World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD) – a day dedicated to preventing suicide and suicidal thoughts, challenging its causes and caring for the people who may be most vulnerable.
Source: World Health Organisation

What is the Theme for World Suicide Prevention Day This Year?

This year IASP has announced that the theme of World Suicide Prevention Day is “Changing the Narrative on Suicide”. This is a significant step in transforming how people around the world perceive an issue as complex as suicide.
Source: International Association for Suicide Prevention 

How Can I Support My Employees’ Mental Health at Work?

Here are some things you can do to support your employees’ mental health whilst at work:

  • Encourage them to express their feelings and speak freely
  • Foster healthy relationships among teams
  • Facilitate employees to take regular breaks
  • Support mindfulness techniques
  • Create a judgement free working environment
  • Practice a no-nonsense approach to mental health prejudice
  • Book a mental health speaker to talk about WSPD

Source: Mental Health Foundation

Who are the Top 10 World Suicide Prevention Day Speakers?

The following list has been compiled based on 255 client testimonials from mental health-related events:

  1. Neil Laybourn
  2. Jonny Benjamin
  3. Petra Velzeboer
  4. Jordan Stephens
  5. Nigel Owens
  6. Ben Smith
  7. Justine Hardy
  8. Kellie Maloney
  9. Hayley Mulenda
  10. Jason Robinson

1. Neil Laybourn

Neil Laybourn is a renowned mental health and resilience keynote speaker who began his activism in 2016 after reuniting with Jonny Benjamin, a man he saved from suicide in 2008. The viral #FindMike campaign and Channel 4’s documentary “Stranger on the Bridge” highlighted their story. Neil’s talks aim to reduce self-harm and suicide, particularly among young people, and to combat mental health stigma. He has delivered over 250 speeches globally and co-founded several mental health initiatives.

2. Jonny Benjamin

Jonny Benjamin MBE is an acclaimed mental health and resilience keynote speaker, renowned for his impactful talks worldwide. Overcoming his own struggles with mental health, Jonny launched the #FindMike campaign, and his story of survival and recovery has inspired many. As an award-winning campaigner, vlogger, and author, he works to dismantle the stigma around mental health. His engaging presentations at schools, hospitals, and major corporations leave audiences motivated and better equipped to address mental health issues proactively.

Official Testimonial for Jonny Benjamin:

“I think the session was excellent. I have had a couple of notes with really positive feedback. Neil and Jonny are a joy to work with, and their story speaks for itself.” – HSBC

3. Petra Velzeboer

Petra Velzeboer, a renowned mental health and resilience speaker, overcame a challenging upbringing in a religious cult. Now, she empowers others through her work as a mental health consultant, CEO, and podcast host. Petra’s talks, including her TEDx appearance and book “Begin with You,” inspire positive change in corporate and public settings. Her mission is to foster open mental health conversations and create supportive, mentally healthy environments, having impacted clients like PwC and Channel 4.

Official Testimonial for Petra Velzeboer:

“We invited Petra to speak at our Mental Health Awareness event on dealing with stress and were blown away by her incredible unique story and her authenticity. She is an accomplished presenter and coach who provided a tonne of practical advice on how to look after your mental health told through unforgettable stories and analogies. We’re now getting her back in to be part of our leadership development curriculum.” – COO, Monzo

4. Jordan Stephens

Jordan Stephens, one-half of the chart-topping duo Rizzle Kicks, has made a significant impact beyond music, becoming a powerful voice on mental health and resilience. As a keynote speaker, Jordan draws on his personal experiences and advocacy work, including co-founding the #IAmWhole campaign to combat mental health stigma. His talks focus on diversity, inclusion, and acceptance, making him a compelling and influential figure in promoting mental well-being and resilience in both personal and corporate environments.

5. Nigel Owens

Nigel Owens, the first openly gay rugby referee, is a celebrated figure both on and off the pitch. Known for his calm, level-headed decision-making, Nigel applies these skills as a mental health resilience and LGBT keynote speaker. Drawing from his personal struggles with bullying, bulimia, and attempted suicide, he raises awareness about LGBT issues and mental health. His engaging and insightful talks motivate audiences to embrace authenticity and diversity, making a lasting impression with his charismatic presence.

Official Testimonial for Nigel Owens:

“On behalf of all the staff at Gilead, we would like to thank you for such an inspiring webinar today. The messages we have received have been overwhelming. We had just over 200 on the call (some were watching from a large screen in our meeting room). Thank you so much for your time and I wish you all the best in the future.” – Donna, HR Business Partner, Gilead

6. Ben Smith

Ben Smith is an extraordinary keynote speaker on mental health awareness and resilience. His powerful journey from overcoming bullying and suicide attempts to running 401 marathons in 401 days inspires audiences worldwide. Ben’s candid storytelling and genuine courage resonate deeply, motivating people to confront their challenges and embrace change. His talks foster a culture of mental wellbeing, making him a compelling choice for any event focused on mental health and personal growth.

Official Testimonial for Ben Smith:

“The talk was fantastic! Ben is great and people really enjoyed his talk, they were inspired by and engaged with it. Ben’s description of his experiences is profoundly moving. He is able to paint a very powerful picture of what it is like to suffer intolerable pressure on your mental health until you feel the only way out is to take your own life. However he then shows us how you can be given an unexpected chance to rise from desperation and rebuild your life – and then to go way beyond what you thought you were capable of. We all have our own struggles to endure but Ben helps us understand how we can overcome even the most terrible situations and find happiness and fulfilment in our lives. We loved hearing his story and will take it with us in our daily lives.” – Sanofi

7. Justine Hardy

Justine Hardy, a psychotherapist and international journalist, has spent over 25 years addressing the psychological impacts of conflict, especially in Kashmir. Founder of Healing Kashmir, she provides crucial mental health services and has rebuilt communities post-disaster. As a keynote speaker, she shares trauma therapy strategies and insights from her extensive experience. An acclaimed author, Justine has published several books and continues to inspire through her work with various humanitarian and rehabilitation projects.

8. Kellie Maloney

Kellie Maloney is a powerhouse speaker who tackles sports, diversity & inclusion, and mental health. A former boxing champion-maker, Kellie transitioned from Frank to Kellie, becoming a leading voice for the LGBT+ community. She openly shares her struggles and triumphs, inspiring audiences and breaking down stereotypes. Kellie champions inclusion in boxing, promoting women fighters. Her story is a powerful call for acceptance and a must-have for any event seeking a diversity and inclusion champion.

Official Testimonial for Kelly Maloney:

“Thank you so much for speaking with us today, it was truly a great experience. You were very candid and very open with some very painful experiences. It takes a lot of bravery and strength to stand up in front of an audience and be unashamedly yourself. You allowed us to see a tiny part of your life, but what a life and what a story. I personally, can’t wait to see the next chapter and I am looking forward to seeing more in your film when it is completed. Your passion is your gift. Thank you for sharing it with us all.” – First Advantage

9. Hayley Mulenda

Hayley Mulenda, Host of the Building You Podcast, is an entrepreneur and international, award-winning keynote speaker and expert on mental health, well-being, vulnerability, and personal development. Having experienced incredible lows while managing her education, business, and personal life, Hayley now focuses on well-being and personal development. She shares her philosophy with others at various corporate events to help peers and the next generation navigate their mental health journeys.

10. Jason Robinson

Beyond his rugby achievements, Jason Robinson is a powerful mental health and resilience speaker. Despite a troubled childhood with abuse and poverty, he became a champion. He speaks openly about overcoming suicidal thoughts at the peak of his career. Now, Jason inspires audiences, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds, to build resilience and achieve their goals. His story is a powerful testament to overcoming adversity.

Hire a Mental Health Speaker for WSPD!

Assure your employees that you care about their mental health by hiring a mental health speaker for World Suicide Prevention Day. Contact The Diversity & Inclusion Speakers Agency by filling our online contact form or calling one of our dedicated booking agents on 0203 9816 297.

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